Being part of strata titled property creates a direct connection between your wealth and the immediate area around your property that stretches beyond your shop or apartment boundary walls.

We are all familiar with the site the main street in a suburb where the 10 or 20 shops have all been let to rundown look tired and appear inconsistent. And as the shops change hands and reach a point in their life, you will see them slowly begin to upgrade and be regenerated, but until that point, the community of shops will be worn down and inconsistent.

But if the Main Street of shops and restaurants in your community is strata titled you are guaranteed for a consistent approach in appearance maintenance and signage standards, and at some stage when upgrades are required and needed you will see the Main Street of your community come to life.

Now I’m not saying that strata titling is the magic bullet that keeps all things maintained, but it does create a form of micro-government where people’s wealth is connected to the communicate beyond their front door, and they can bring about an upgrade.