Tag: Annual General Meeting

What do strata levies pay for

If you own a strata apartment you will be familiar with strata levies, but do you understand what they get spent on and why? Strata levies are the invoices you get every quarter, six monthly, or 12-monthly from your owners corporation. Strata levies are unavoidable, and they are not an optional expense, if you are […]

How to Approve Strata Apartment Renovations Faster

Strata renovations are known for being inconsistently managed and slow to be reviewed and approved by the strata committee. But we have a solution for you. Inconsistencies causes a mixture of problems when people are seeking approval for their renovations. These problems include a financial impact on owners who are seeking higher rental income and […]

Strata Committee – Planner – Strata Meetings & Strata Projects

Strata buildings operate on the back of Committees making decisions, and having a meeting plan each year. Therefore, it is logical to understand the when Committees do not meet, decisions do not get made, and buildings fail to maintain and kept to the quality and expectations of the market. If your committee fails to plan […]