Tag: Strata levies

Can unit entitlements be change for strata levies

Yes, unit entitlements can change, but it’s not something you can change alone. All you can do is start the process, independent valuer then calculates the new unit entitlements followed by NCAT reviewing and deciding if they should’ve registered. Yes they can be backdated, but it requires a seperate order from NCAT. Be careful, changing […]

What do strata levies pay for

If you own a strata apartment you will be familiar with strata levies, but do you understand what they get spent on and why? Strata levies are the invoices you get every quarter, six monthly, or 12-monthly from your owners corporation. Strata levies are unavoidable, and they are not an optional expense, if you are […]

Your Strata Budgets & Strata Levies

The budget and levies of a strata apartment building are the single most crucial part of strata. Because nothing else is possible or matters if you aren’t about to pay for it. Striking the right balance between levies raised and money in the bank is always difficult. But to help you get your owners corporation […]

Strata levies – why, what & how

This is a simplified guide all about your strata levies, why you pay them, what they get spent on and how to make sure they are not being wasted. What are Strata Levies Strata levies are the invoices sent out by your owners corporation so that the building can pay it’s bills each week. What […]

How to keep strata levies low on a new development

Keeping strata levies low starts during construction and design, this is a simple guide with some of these elements that can be implemented to reduce the ongoing running costs of a building. I’ve broken these items into groups being a housing development, apartment block, industrial and townhouses. Some of these have limited environments where they […]